Monday, March 21, 2011

Death of The Hymnal

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in memory of a well-loved book, who is used no more. The hymnal has been declared "not needed", and whether that is the case or not, it is rarely ever used anymore.

My family just recently moved, and like always, it is somewhat difficult to find a good church. Every church you visit seems to have a hard time measuring up to your old church (or even the one before that!). One thing I've noticed in the past few years is that it is difficult to find churches that still have a more traditional style of music. Most churches nowadays either have very a contemporary style, or have a "blended" style where they mix old with new, in hopes of attracting both kinds of people, while not offending either type (traditionalists and contemporary worshipers).

A church I visited has hymnals in it's pews, but the congregation does not pick them up, or even mention them (as in, "turn to page 342 in your hymnal, or follow along with the words on the wall"). I asked a sweet lady about that, and she mentioned that the hymnals weren't needed because of the projector. I guess I just have mixed feeling on using a projector in church. If hymnals aren't needed because of the projector, where did the need for the projector come from?
Being able to sing contemporary songs that aren't in some hymnals. (BIG con to some people, myself included)
The projector can be used for displaying announcements and scripture readings.
The projector can be used for sermon outlines to help the congregation follow along with the sermon.

Is not convenient for near-sighted people who would better benefit from holding a hymnal closer to them.
Discourages the necessity of reading music. (could be a pro or might not matter, depending on how you look at it)
In most cases, does away with conducting as part of the song leading (again, might be a pro or not matter to you).
The hymnal becomes obsolete.

What about you? Has the hymnal died at your church? What is the worship music style of your church? Can you think of any pros or cons to using a projector in church that I have forgotten to mention?

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your posting on hymn books! We still use hymn books at our church here in HK - as you know, but many church even here are going to putting their songs on the wall. I nearly lost my 'joy' of the music ministry in a church service because of the use of projectors and the song leader putting songs that I didn't even allow in my own home as part of the worship songs. Made me very cynical and suspicious of any new song he introduced - even made me not trust him.
