Friday, March 18, 2011

Homemade Tortillas (And Pizza Too!)

    Tonight was a fun experiment in making homemade flour tortillas that I thought turned out pretty well. I have never made tortillas. Growing up, it was never even something I considered making at home. They are one of those items you just always buy at the store. The idea did not just come to me, it was given to me in a bag mix, by way of some Chinese friends my family made this past summer. They were cleaning out their pantries before leaving to go back to China after a summer work program. I have the feeling they thought it was flour, rather than tortilla mix.
    I guess a "true" 'from-scratch' cook would balk at my calling them homemade, considering I used a flour tortilla mix, but I did mix the dough, knead it, let it rest, and roll it out into tortillas. It felt pretty scratchy to me. ;) It was really fun. But the tortillas were only fajita/carnita size (if that), next time I would like to double or triple the recipe in order to see if I can make burrito size. Every Tuesday my grandmother comes over to watch Wheel of Fortune and Biggest Loser. My mom and I always enjoy finding new ways to impress her with our culinary skills. If she touted my homemade pasta (no, the noodles were not from scratch), I would love to see her reaction to my tortillas!
My mom also made her first homemade (I love the passion and love imbedded in that word!) pizza since moving to our new house a month and a half ago. It was delicious pepperoni. Better than DiGiorno!  

Here are some pictures. Unfortunatly, I didn't realize the flash wasn't on (whoops!), and well, you can't turn back time and re-take pictures of the past, maybe I'll try again with my next batch.

Rolled out tortilla

All eight rolled out tortillas
Tortilla in a cast-iron skillet
cooked tortillas. Yum!
Even with bad lighting my mom's pizza looks amazing! (the one in front was just out of oven,  the one in  back about to go into oven.)

1 comment:

  1. I have a nice tortilla recipe for you that I'll have to share. We made tortilla's in HK often - mostly when we ate with Aunt Diane. Jon & Nate both helped - although I think Nate only helped a couple of times. When I get back into China, I'll try to remember to send you the recipe - it's really easy!
