Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yes. . . I'm still alive!

     This post is dedicated to Amanda and LeAnne, and all the other silent followers who have yet to make their voices known.
 I realized that I have let my followers down by not writing on my blog these past few months. But to be honest, until not too long ago, I didn't realize that anyone other than my wonderful fiance was even reading what I was writing. Not that everything you write should be for the sake of others, but it was a bit discouraging to read other people's very interesting blogs and see that they had 100+ followers. But of course, you have to write interesting entries, so that people will want to "follow" you. And you should also be regular with your postings, so that your followers will know that you have something fresh to say everyday (give or take).

I got that job I had mentioned. I have been working at Chick-fil-A since the middle/end of March. I am so thankful for the 3 years I had at Six Flags. I learned so much while I was there. Knowledge that I would take with me to Chick-fil-A. I am also thankful for my mother, who has instilled in me a godly work ethic.

As far as the rest of that wish list I wrote out on March 17. . .
I know I could be closer still to my Lord and Savior; I still have twenty pounds to lose; I have not learned any new craft (although, after payday I need to get the supplies to whip together a craft I'm already skilled in as a promised gift to a friend), but the road is slowly being paved for me to go back good ol' Bob Jones to finish my education. Which is pretty exciting, because I'll see my fiance pretty much everyday. But also a little on the scary side, considering that it's been two years since I've been there and I won't know hardly anyone except for a few seniors. There have been so many changes at the school, that were barely just getting started when I left. Ha ha. . .I still remember my dad saying "The day they get co-ed dorms, you're outta there!" Thankfully that hasn't happened yet. :)
And we'll see how going to school full-time, and working part-time coincides with planning a wedding. I'm still not sure of where to have the reception. and should probably call about my dress to get that going. (check out . .adorable dresses!) Agh!!! so much!

Scripture Reading Update:
I just finished Joshua today. I know. pathetic, right, I was in Deuteronomy way back in March. You'd think I'd be in II Kings or something by now. But I guess the important thing is that I did in fact read my Bible today. And that I will read it tomorrow. . .

Have to work at six in the morning, so sweet dreams everyone.

P.S. Most of the next few posts will be about my summer. and a big learning experience I had involving money (more on that later).

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your still alive! I just want you to know that I'm watching your blog and I'm praying for you! Keep seeking the Lord - He will supply all your needs according to HIS riches and glory in Christ Jesus! Love you!
