Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wish List And My Jealous God

Grow closer to the Lord
Get a job (might happen soon)
Lose twenty pounds without trying . . .ha ha ;)
Learn to knit, crochet, or both
Go back to school
Start exercising again (could go hand-in-hand with the losing twenty pounds =). . .)

Well, we'll see where I get with these.
On another note, one thing I've noticed when reading my Bible, is the continual mention of attributes of God. Sometimes a word can get such a bad connotation. The word jealous, for instance, when you hear that word you think of a possessive boyfriend or husband who won't let his girlfriend or wife talk to any other guys, or have any "fun" without him. In that case, of course, jealousy is a bad thing. But this is the way I started thinking about it, God loves us so much, that he doesn't want us to love any one else more than we love Him. He wants us to love Him as much as He loves us. Which isn't too much to expect, considering how much He does for us, but when we don't, He gets rightfully jealous. (Deut. 4:23-24; 5:7-9; 6:5,13-15)

I'm now at Deut. 7. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes "jealously" for a boyfriend or husband can be warranted when you see someone flirting with them and they are totally oblivious of what is being done! In those cases, being a jealous girlfriend/fiancee/wife is very good. You show your man that you are watching out for him and that he is worth fighting for - to keep!!
