Friday, July 15, 2011

Hapy Birthday!

(No need to send me birthday wishes, my birthday was at the end of May, I'm just catching you up on what I did)
My birthday was amazing! I had a four-day long celebration of my birth.

Day 1:On Friday (day before B-day), I ate breakfast with my fiance, who surprised me by flying all the way from South Carolina to be with me, at Chick-fil-A. I believe it was his first time eating breakfast at CFA. . .and he didn't even eat chicken. Haha. He ate a Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. :) Later that evening, after my dad got off work, my parents and my love made the trip into Houston to see the Astros play in Minute Maid Park. I can't even remember who they played. It was exciting in the begginning, but they ended up letting the other team not only catch up, but get a ahead in the end. There were fireworks, but we watched them as we left. Nate and I planned on getting up at 5 am, so we couldn't stay. It was overall an amazing experience. We were closer to the action than I have ever been at any pro sports game. Still not sure how he did. He still has both of his arms and legs. ;)

Day 2:Saturday, May 28th, 2011 marked the 22nd year since my birth. I woke up Nate (he's not a morning person), who was sleeping so peacefully on the couch, and we made the 45 min. drive into Galveston to watch the sun rise. We didn't quite make it to the beach before the sun came up. It was rising as we entered the island. So, praise the Lord that He designed the rising of the sun to last more than a minute or two, or I would not have gotten the gorgeous pictures I did! It was beautiful. Nate and I had an amazing time. We took pictures of the sun rise, waves and clouds, read some scripture together, and and even sang some hymns. We also did some beach walking, shell searching, wave splashing, and sun bathing/beach napping (we only got about five hours of sleep after all!). So, at about 10-ish, I believe, we walked to a Denny's across the street for breakfast. When casually mentioning my birthday to the waitress, she informed me of their birthday special. I ended up getting my grand slam for free!
After getting home and relaxing for a tiny bit, Mom, Nate and I saw the movie Hop. It was an adorable movie, even if it was all about the Easter Bunny (Easter's Santa Clause, if you know what I mean). And tickets at the dollar theater are $1.50, not a dollar. And they rob you blind at the refreshment stand. But I guess that's the same as any place you go to be entertained (an Astros game, for instance).

Day 3:Sunday evening I went bowling with Nate, and another friend of mine. It was only the 3 of us (my friend's mom was there, but just to watch and cheer), and we were able to bowl 6 games in 2 hours! I lunge deep when I bowl, and my legs were so sore for almost the rest of the week! I didn't win any of the games, but it was fun, and brought back memories of how I went bowling every week with friends from my work when I was in high school. After we were done bowling, we went to James Coney Island. It's a hot dog diner. It was fun, and almost the whole time we talked about the end times, what the Bible really says, and that crazy kook in California.

Day 4:Right after I got home from work and changed clothes the entire family went into Houston to eat dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. I had been wanting to eat there ever since I fell in love with their line of frozen pizzas. We all got different pizzas. Mom got a BLT pizza, I had BBQ bacon and chicken (I think that's what it was), Nate had pepperoni (of course), Shannon had garlic chicken, and I can't remember what Dad had. It was delicious. Mom, Dad and I all shared slices of ours with each other, and everything I tried tastes good. Before we headed back to Friendswood, we drove through the rizty neighborhood near CPK, which is apparently where the elder Bush's live. I'd like to say we stopped in for tea, but for security's sake, they don't hand out their specific address to just anyone. We had fun admiring the houses mansions, but it was during this time that my head and stomache started hurting. It was not long after we got home that I ended up throwing up. . .in the doorway of the bathroom. Nate is so wonderful. He helped me clean it up. I am so blessed to have a guy who loves me as much as he does. So, with the exception of throwing up, I had a prety enjoyable birthday weekend, and almost wish is was my birthday again tomorrow. ;)

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