Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Long Time No Write. . .

SO yeah, apparently it's been over a year since my last blog entry. A lot has happened in the past year.

A few big highlights. . .

  •  I graduated from Bob Jones University on May 4, 2012, with an Associates of Science in Christian Ministries (and no. . . that does not mean I want to be, or am qualified to be a pastor. There is a lot more to ministering in a church setting than being a minister. Counseling, administrative work, teaching, etc. . .).
  • I married the love of my life in a beautiful church wedding on Dec. 21, 2012. It wasn't the end of the world, like people had thought, based on the Mayan calendar, but rather the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of me and my man. We were blessed to have his dad (an ordained pastor) perform the ceremony and to have our closest friends and family be there with us as our groomsmen and bridesmaids. It was a simple ceremony & reception compared to others' weddings, but it was perfect just the same, because at the end of the night, I was married to my best friend, and that's what counts, right? The most unique part of my wedding was that Chick-fil-A hosted our first dinner date as a married couple. We went from the reception to the Chick-fil-A where I had worked, where we had a special dinner (white tablecloth and candles included) of waffle fries, grilled chicken with salad, their fresh lemonade, and even sparkling grape juice. I had a mini sundae and Nate had a cookies n cream shake after the meal. It was wonderful to see everyone and say one final goodbye to everyone who couldn't make it to the wedding. 
    • Wedding tip - don't change into "going away clothes" before heading to the hotel, if you did not reserve a special room. When checking in, the guy at the desk noticed Nate wearing his tux and asked if he had come from a wedding or something. He said "yes, my bride is out in the car." The desk clerk upgraded our room to a bigger suite for no additional charge, and congratulated us as we carried in our bags. :)
  • Nate graduated from Bob Jones University on May 3, 2013, with a Bachelor of Arts in Youth Ministry. His next step in to be ordained as a pastor the last Sunday of July, and for us to find a church desiring him to be their youth pastor. He has a heart for youth (teens, and even the younger kids too). He is patient with children, and shows interest when they tell him things. He desires to help teens grow closer to the Lord and live for Him while living in a world where it is easy to get distracted by peer pressure and temptations that Satan likes to entice many with as being "fun, innocent, and harmless."

Things Coming Up. . .
        Well, as mentioned, we are still a bit unsure of where we are headed. We have goals and ambitions, and are looking forward to seeing them come to fruition, but until then, we greatly covet prayers regarding our next steps. One big thing that we are both looking forward to is the arrival of our first child this coming fall. We found out we were expecting after only 3 weeks of wedded bliss. It was (and still is) a bit overwhelming. But God does have a plan, and His timing is greater than ours ever could be. He knows the big picture, and we are trusting that everything will work out, be it baby or job related. Matthew 6:26-34. He knows our needs, and as His children, will take care of us. We have even seen prayers answered in just the short half-year that we have been married! 

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